New sustainable green cones for St Pius X
Our school community at St Pius X is continuing to "care for our common home" through positive ecological actions – including a new eco-addition for all our grades!
We've recently installed 6 'Green Cone Outdoor Food Digestion Systems' – one for each grade.
These green cones are solar-powered digestion systems designed to aerobically decompose ALL cooked and uncooked food waste – including meat, fish, bones, dairy products, vegetables and fruit. They then return the nutrient-rich components directly back into the surrounding soil.
Our school purchased these green cones after evaluating our current worm farm and compost system, and we believed we needed something more sustainable that would promote a shared responsibility across the school community.
As the system is essentially maintenance-free, it is a great fit! With a bit of fun, added signage for each grade, the cones look great and are working beautifully!